DLI Training

Asbestos assessor licenses are required to provide air monitoring and clearance certificates in relation to friable asbestos removal work.

Clearance certificates must be issued by independent asbestos assessors for all friable asbestos removal work before a site can be reoccupied.

In NSW, asbestos assessor licence holders can carry out air monitoring and clearance inspections for Class A asbestos work, which covers both friable and non-friable asbestos.

CPCCDE5001 Conduct air monitoring and clearance inspections for asbestos removal work

Course Description

This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to visually inspect and use a range of measuring devices to undertake the monitoring of airborne asbestos fibres in the workplace as an integral part of identifying hazards, assessing risks, monitoring the effectiveness of controls, and ensuring that the workplace is free of visible asbestos fibres and air monitoring results are at acceptable levels prior to reoccupation.

The unit includes the planning of the monitoring process, the selection and use of processes and air-monitoring equipment, the conduct of the assessment process, and the proper handling and interpretation of results.

Asbestos assessment and air monitoring are required during all friable (Class A) asbestos removal and for non-friable (Class B) asbestos removal where a risk assessment indicates that airborne asbestos fibres may result from the removal activity.

License Requirements

Licenses are required in most states and territories. Work must be completed according to relevant legislative, code of practice, industry, customer and organisational requirements, including work health and safety (WHS) policies and procedures. Analysis of samples must conform to National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) or other accredited laboratory requirements and standards.

SafeWork NSW Asbestos Assessor Definition of when it is Needed:

  1. The Asbestos Assessor licence is required to do Class A assessor work, including:
  • conducting air monitoring
  • carrying out clearance inspections
  • issuing clearance certificates
  1. To undertake clearance inspections and issue clearance certificates for Class B (non-friable) asbestos removal work you must be a competent person.
  2. You might find asbestos assessment work being carried out where a Class A asbestos removalist is removing lagging from a pipe, for example.
  3. A licensed asbestos assessor conducts air monitoring during the work to ensure safety controls are adequate.
  4. Once the work is complete, the assessor will conduct a visual inspection within the safety enclosure, and undertake clearance air monitoring before removing the enclosure.
  5. The assessor will issue a clearance certificate when it is safe to reoccupy the area.

SafeWork NSW Approved (RTO 800483)

Entry Requirements

  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • Level 2 LLN minimum (refer to Language Literacy Numeracy Chart)
  • 100 points of ID must be provided on the day of training (Original)
  • A statement of attainment for CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry or SafeWork general construction induction training card (White Card)
  • Have a USI or create one from https://www/usi.gov.au/your-usi/create-usi


This course is suitable for:

  • People working in the asbestos or construction industry and want to develop their career and update professional compliance
  • On a career pathway to become a supervisor and gain formal certification in Friable and Non-Friable asbestos removal

Course Outline

By completing this course participants will gain the skills and knowledge to:

  • Plan for assessment of asbestos removal
  • Collect site measurements and other data
  • Use measuring devices to collect site information and data
  • Complete the monitoring process
  • Document results

Mode of Delivery and Duration

  • Training will be conducted face to face for 2 days at DLI Training
  • Training schedule conducted on client site will be negotiated with employer based on employee release availability for 16 hours total duration

Delivery Locations

  • DLI Training: 5 Melissa Street Auburn NSW
  • Client site: workplace training available on request (minimum 7 participants)

Entry Requirements

  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • Level 2 LLN minimum (refer to Language Literacy Numeracy Chart)
  • 100 points of ID must be provided on the day of training (Original)
  • A statement of attainment for CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry or SafeWork general construction induction training card (White Card)
  • Have a USI or create one from https://www/usi.gov.au/your-usi/create-usi

Course Outline

By completing this course participants will gain the skills and knowledge to:

  • Prepare for asbestos removal
  • Prepare asbestos removal site
  • Set up asbestos work area
  • Remove non-friable asbestos
  • Carry out decontamination process
  • Clean up work area

Mode of Delivery and Duration

  • Training will be conducted face to face for 2 days at DLI Training
  • Training schedule conducted on client site will be negotiated with employer based on employee release availability for 16 hours total duration

Delivery Locations

  • DLI Training: 5 Melissa Street Auburn NSW
  • Client site: workplace training available on request (minimum 7 participants)

Assessment Requirements

Students will be assessed using relevant assessment methods which includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Knowledge evidence requires student to answer a range of theory questions
  • Performance evidence includes a friable asbestos removal environment where air monitoring is normally undertaken with the use of the membrane filter method as a minimum

Career Pathways

On successful completion of this course:

  • Apply to become a Licensed Asbestos Assessor
  • Increase inspectorate position within WorkSafe authority, regulator or other organization
  • Become an Occupational Hygienist

Pathway to become a Licensed Asbestos Assessor

To become a Licensed Asbestos Assessor, the following units of competency must be completed:

  • CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry
  • CPCCDE5001 Conduct air monitoring and clearance inspections for asbestos removal work

Please click on this link for full details: Apply for an asbestos assessor licence | Service NSW

Licensed Asbestos Assessor Pre-Requisite Unit of Competency

Students that intend to apply to become a Licensed Asbestos Assessor must also have CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry.

Students who do not have this unit of competency must enroll in and successfully complete CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry preferably prior to commencing  CPCCDE5001 Conduct air monitoring and clearance inspections for asbestos removal work.

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